Look what's back--Mister Linky! Post your August reads in the Mister Linky below using the following format:
Your name: Trish (Tess of the D'Urbervilles)
Your URL: http://trishsbooks.blogspot.com/2008/07/tess-of-durbervilles-thomas-hardy.html
If you don't have a blog, simply fill out the name portion with the title of the book you read leaving the URL field blank.
Happy reading!
(**Also, a lot of you signed up after Mister Linky went down--feel free to add your link again) Yay Mister Linky!
Whoops! Was a bit early with the review. I didn't bother to look, I just used the Mr. Linky form. Sorry!
I know it is still July but I thought it would be easier to put it in Mr Linky, so you wouldn't have to worry about linking it for me:)
I just want to say you guys have done such a good job. I'm lagging behind so badly. I'm only on my second classic and have got a lot of catching up to do.
I'm slowly but surely posting my reviews! Thanks for hosting, Trish :)
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